Turning Hearts • Changing Lives


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How to Raise Your Children to Be Strong Leaders

Every child has big dreams and lofty goals for their future. And it’s up to us parents to give our little ones the skills they need to pursue their passions and enjoy success in their adult lives. Raising children with strong leadership skills will help them become motivated, confident, and self-reliant adults who will stop at nothing to succeed. So, how can you instill these values in your children from a young age? Check out the following tips to find out!

Be a Leader

Children quickly pick up on the actions and behaviors of their parents. The best way to raise young leaders is to be a strong leader yourself!

  • Model good listening behavior by being attentive and engaged when your children speak.

  • Recognize when you need to apologize to your children and don’t be afraid to admit that you made a mistake.

  • Work to reach your own goals, whether this means furthering your education or chasing a promotion at work.

  • Develop a relationship of trust and respect with your children by avoiding manipulation and ridicule.

Avoid Coddling Your Kids

As hard as it may be, try to let your kid face their fears, navigate hardships, and experience failures without jumping to the rescue.

  • Encourage your children to take risks and face the repercussions associated with them.

  • Fight the temptation to protect your children from failure.

  • If your kids turn to you when they come across an obstacle, encourage them to find a solution on their own.

  • Don’t lie to your kids about their abilities. Kids need to learn how to handle constructive criticism and use it to achieve success.

Practice Decision-Making Early

Great leaders approach important decisions with an open and inquisitive mind. Here are some ways to foster strong decision-making skills in your children from the beginning.

  • Set your children up to make decisions every day, like picking their outfits for school.

  • You can offer guidance by helping them evaluate the pros and cons of their choices.

  • Show your kids how to consider the feelings of others when making decisions.

  • Most importantly, let your children live with their decisions instead of intervening to clean up their mistakes.

Fostering leadership skills in your children is a tough but incredibly rewarding practice in parenting. You’ll have to force yourself to let go of control, give your children the reins, and watch them make mistakes. But in the end, these life lessons will give your children the skills they need to lead with confidence and integrity.

-Jenna Sherman

Malachi Global's mission is “to provide fathers and other mentors with the information and inspiration to successfully lead the next generation into their God-given callings.”  You can find more information about our TV4DADS series or youth training by visiting our website.